Healing work, the work we do to heal our psychology has significance for our souls, for our souls journey, and for our spirituality. We cannot exclusively focus on spirituality, because we are souls having a human experience and with that human experience comes a psychology, the psychology of that particular being you are inhabiting in this lifetime.
If we were just souls, just souls for eternity, wandering about, going about our life of eternal divinity, it would be different. But we're not, we are human, we are souls having a human experience. And when you step into this human experience, you take on not only humanity, but A human. A specific humanity, a lifetime. A life, a being, with a particular psychology. And that psychology is made up of, both the nature and its nurtured; elements that are inherent in that personality, and elements which that being adopts as a result of experiences within the life that being lives. I add to this; elements lived before and passed down through generational lineage.
Each life is idiosyncratic. Yes, all souls have their own markers, their own gifts, their own natures. Our souls are not uniform. But over and above that our humanity is not uniform. And so each human life has its own makeup of a psychology encompassing all of this. And the work that we do to heal is paramount in delivering our souls from the psychology of that lifetime. Delivering. It's liberation.
Of course, when I use the word liberation, there must be chains involved, right? So the elements that are not chains that are not imprisonment, those are part of your soul's true nature, those sustain. When we heal, it's liberation, breaking free, from the chains of archaic beliefs, old and fresh wounds, traumas, defense mechanisms, limiting thoughts and repeating patterns... so that the path towards your soul's true nature is clearer, and eventually a transformation and evolution ensues allowing it to encompass this true nature; the freedom in its divinity. Your human life, being, can then fully experience the very divinity that is innate within it, in your soul.
When we heal, when we do the work that we do to heal, we're not only just relieving from the pain, not drops of an antidote to soothe ills and ailments. It's not just for that; to be free from pain. It is ultimately for us to step into our true nature, and to be released. To be released so that our true nature can flourish. That is the freedom. And it allows for us to ultimately align to what our soul came to do; to awaken to the truth of who we are, which is that which is of source.
When we heal, in some ways its to strip us of humanity, but in many ways it is also to fully encompass, fully be in our humanity. To fully be in our individual and collective humanity in its truest form, which in essence, is what an expression of divinity is.